Music Most Wanted                                      Magazine

The Worlds Most Wanted Music...
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About Music Most Wanted was founded by JW Davis in 2006.  The most important thing we do is conduct Creative Talent Searches throughout the Tampa Bay area, across the state of Florida and around  the country.  Were here to help develop, promote and produce high quality local talent where ever we go!  We care about putting together and promoting talent whenever we see it.   What sets us apart from everybody else out here is we can get the job done for you and get you well on your way down the road to success. is solely owned and operated right among the Palm Tree's on the Suncoast of Tampa Bay, Florida.  

Many companies may offer similar services, but our services are some the best found anywhere.   Our team and our network is here to help you move!
Interested in learning more?
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Covering a Wide Spectrum of the Music Scene 
Across America and Around the Globe...

JW Davis
SouthernGospel Jubilee
“Gospel Music On The Bay”
Tampa – St. Pete, Florida

Looking for... Southern Gospel Music 

Creative Talent Searches 
Private Audition Sessions
Auditorium Practice Sessions
Live Audience Appearances & Performances
Private Studio & On-Site Recordings 
Media, Live Radio, Studio & TV Appearances

If you serious about being discovered, getting exposure, 
moving forward with your musical group or 
your interested in participating in a musical event…

TEL: 727.657.3339 is currently looking for talent to 
appear in the first of a series of a SouthernGospel Music Event titled:
SouthernGospel Jubilee
“Gospel Music On The Bay”
Tampa – St. Pete, Florida
Produced by:, JW Davis, President
Just a note from the President...

Know-how through education is the key to any endeavor in life.  After that, the rest is surprisingly simple.  Our major purpose here at boils down to two major aspects in our mind; finding good talent, and moving them forward on the road to success as an artist. Finding jobs, so to speak, for these talented people, is part of that success.  These are the two most important aspects we endeavor to accomplish in as little time as possible.  Plain and simple.

Do you remember any talent that played at an event you attended that you and your friends went to on any given weekend?  Are they well represented?  They should be. Or how about that surprisingly adept stage performer that performed at your little brother's birthday party?  And of course, many of us know someone who is trying to break into an acting or singing career.

The truth is that there is an over abundance of talent all around us, just waiting to be discovered.  How about those talented musical groups scraping to put their CDs together and displaying them online on MySpace or Facebook?  They're trying hard to put themselves out into the public view. Many of them just have no representation. has many ways, means, and venues for finding, promoting and representing talent, and in most cases, they are screaming to be found.

The other factor we practice is to find jobs (professionally called "bookings") for these awesome talents.  We work with our team and our network and have quite a few resources to get this accomplished. 

For models we have various catalogs, TV commercials, runways and magazines; 

For musicians we have events, venues, concerts, shows, performances, radio stations, recording studios, live audiences, background sessions; 

For up-and-coming comedians we might find on "open mic" nights, there are comedy clubs, parties, conventions and TV shows; 

For actors and actresses, we have TV commercials, voice-overs, animation voice acting jobs, plays, and more. 

While these are two major aspects of what we are about, there is much more to cover. 

Call Us today to find out how we can help you!

Telephone:  727.657.3339

I would love to talk with you and see where we can go together to make it happen!

See ya...Take Care!